Polaris Bank Partners with University of Ibadan and Nigerian Conservation Foundation for Tree Planting Initiative

A Collaborative Effort for Environmental Conservation

Polaris Bank Limited has announced a significant collaboration with the University of Ibadan (UI) and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) aimed at promoting environmental conservation through a dedicated tree planting initiative.

Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility

During a recent courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor of UI, Prof. Kayode Adebowale, representatives from Polaris Bank and NCF discussed the details of the initiative. Abimbola Ozomah, Executive Director of Corporate & Investment Banking at Polaris, emphasized that this initiative is a core component of the bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Commemorating World Environment Day

Ozomah highlighted that the initiative is designed to honor World Environment Day on June 5, 2024. The theme for this year revolves around land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience, aligning with the United Nations’ ecosystem restoration goals.

Commitment to Sustainable Practices

Polaris Bank is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices, including the nationwide planting of economic trees. Ozomah further stated that the bank’s sustainability efforts encompass responsible banking, community empowerment, addressing environmental issues, and fostering sustainable economic growth.

Encouraging Harmony with Nature

Mr. Adedayo Memudu, Senior Manager at NCF, underscored the importance of fostering an appreciation for nature among Nigerians. He noted that NCF’s core value lies in partnership development, which is why the collaboration with Polaris Bank is crucial in enhancing CSR and sustainability initiatives.

A Step Towards a Greener Future

The visit culminated in the actual planting of trees on the university’s campus, with plans for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be signed among the three parties involved.

University of Ibadan’s Commitment to Conservation

Representing the Vice Chancellor, UI Registrar Mr. Ganiyu Saliu reaffirmed the university’s dedication to conserving campus vegetation and promoting a greener environment. The university actively protects its diverse ecosystem, including a significant number of ‘Iroko’ trees, reflecting its commitment to environmental sustainability.

UI@75 Anniversary Tree Planting Project

As part of its 75th anniversary celebrations, the University of Ibadan has initiated a project to plant 1,000 trees, inviting support from the community for their sustainability. Saliu emphasized the importance of collaboration between academic institutions and the wider society in tackling shared environmental challenges.

Polaris Bank’s Nationwide Initiative

Polaris Bank launched its nationwide tree planting initiative for land restoration on July 1, 2024, starting at Tai Solarin University of Education in Ogun State. The initiative continued at Ajingi Community Reserve in Kano State and is now taking root at the University of Ibadan.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals

Polaris Bank is committed to addressing developmental and sustainability challenges, aligning its efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) and the Nigerian Sustainable Banking Principles (NSBPs). The bank actively participates in the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Principles of Responsible Banking, reinforcing its pledge to a sustainable future.

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