‘Tech Me’ Connects Its ICT Trained Women to Companies for Job Opportunities


Tech ME’ has empowered its trained Information Communication Technology (ICT) students with cash to start their own businesses and connects others seeking employment to companies for immediate job opportunities.

Speaking with journalists recently, Tech ME Program Director, Sidney Odili, decried the low employment rate of women in Nigeria, adding that women’s unemployment rate has gone up by more than 20% in the last 12 months.

According to him, women are one of the most vulnerable groups in times of economic hardship.

“The Women ICTpreneurs Nigeria project is very necessary in Nigeria today to bridge this unemployment gap.

“By empowering women with skills to earn a decent income, we hope to bring entire families out of poverty. In the past 3 years, hundreds of women have benefited from this program,” he explained.

Odili said in February 2023, Tech ME, with support from The Headley Trust, started the Women ICTpreneurs Nigeria project.

The project, he pointed out, aimed at empowering 45 women with digital skills so they can get employment or use the skills to start a business. He added that the 45 women received training in web design and UX design.

After the training, which lasted for seven months, Odili said ‘Tech Me’ was able to connect the project beneficiaries to companies for employment opportunities, and beneficiaries who wanted to start their own business were given soft loans.

According to the Program Director, so far more than 70% of the women that took part in the project have started some form of income-generating activity.

Precious Osihmen, one of the WIN project beneficiaries, said: “The project has exposed me to lots of people who have become my friends, colleagues, and mentors.

“I have started an online business of corporate branding where I design flyers, announcements, and catalogues for small business owners.

“I used to depend on my parents for money but I now earn money of my own. I can now take care of my needs and provide for my daughter.

“My family also respects me more, and my confidence has greatly improved. I now also have enough money to start a savings account.

“As someone with a passion for technology, I was really excited about this training and I wasn’t let down. It is everything I wanted and more. I am so grateful to Tech ME for changing my life for the best. Honestly, I can’t thank them enough.”

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