
Unveiling the Shadows: The Potential Adverse Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Humanity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making and creativity. AI has many applications and benefits for various domains, such as healthcare, education, business, entertainment and security. However, AI also poses some challenges and risks that need to be addressed and mitigated. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the demerits of AI for human beings.

Job Losses Due to AI Automation

One of the main demerits of Artificial Intelligence is the potential loss of jobs due to automation. AI can replace human workers in many tasks that are repetitive, routine or dangerous. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, 85 million jobs are expected to be lost to automation between 2020 and 2025. This could lead to unemployment, inequality and social unrest, especially for low-skilled workers who may not have the opportunity or resources to reskill or upskill for the new jobs created by AI.

Invasion of Privacy and Exploitation of Information

Another demerit of Artificial Intelligence is the invasion of privacy and exploitation of information. AI can collect, process and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, such as social media, online platforms, sensors and cameras. This data can be used for beneficial purposes, such as personalization, recommendation and optimization. However, it can also be used for malicious purposes, such as surveillance, manipulation and discrimination. AI can also generate fake or misleading information, such as deepfakes, which are synthetic media that can impersonate real people or events. These can undermine trust, credibility and security in the digital world.

Fear of Overpowering Human Beings

A third demerit of AI is the fear of overpowering human beings. Artificial Intelligence can surpass human intelligence and capabilities in some domains, such as chess, Go and Jeopardy. Some people worry that AI could eventually become superintelligent and autonomous, and that it could pose an existential threat to humanity if it does not align with human values and goals. This scenario is often depicted in science fiction movies and books, such as The Terminator, The Matrix and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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AI may harm human beings by creating ethical and moral dilemmas. As AI systems become more autonomous and intelligent, they may face situations that require moral judgments and values. For example, how should a self-driving car decide whom to save in a crash scenario? How should an AI system respect the privacy and consent of its users? How should an Artificial Intelligence system balance the interests of different stakeholders? These questions are not easy to answer and may vary depending on the context and culture. For example, a survey by MIT found that people from different countries had different preferences for how a self-driving car should prioritize lives in a crash scenario.

Creation of Built-in Biased Algorithms

A fourth demerit of AI is the creation of built-in biased algorithms. Artificial Intelligence can inherit or amplify human biases that are present in the data, the design or the deployment of the system. For example, facial recognition systems can perform poorly for people of color or women due to the lack of diversity in the training data. Similarly, hiring systems can discriminate against certain groups based on their names, gender or ethnicity due to the historical patterns in the data. These biases can result in unfairness, discrimination and harm for individuals and society.

Threat to Human security and safety

The fifth way that AI may harm human beings is by threatening their security and safety. As AI systems become more powerful and complex, they may also become more vulnerable to hacking, manipulation, and misuse. For instance, malicious actors may use Artificial Intelligence to launch cyberattacks, spread misinformation, or create weapons of mass destruction. For example, in 2016, hackers used an AI-powered chatbot to trick users into revealing their personal information [4]. Furthermore, AI systems may malfunction or behave unpredictably due to errors, bugs, or biases. This may cause harm or damage to humans or the environment. For example, in 2018, an Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian due to a software glitch


In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence has many merits but also many demerits for human beings. It is important to be aware of these challenges and risks and to develop ethical principles and guidelines for the responsible use of AI. AI should be designed and deployed in a way that respects human dignity, rights and values, and that promotes social good and human flourishing.

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